CEC chief’s response to accusations from political parties: "We urge political actors to evaluate their behavior"

The head of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has reacted after some political party members made accusations against the CEC. According to Angelica Caraman, these are merely attacks on the CEC's image, aimed at misleading public opinion, IPN reports.

"We appeal for fairness and urge political actors who attempt to tarnish the image of the CEC and its members to evaluate their behavior, including considering the possible consequences and the responsibility they bear," Caraman stated.

The CEC chief emphasized that these statements and declarations, made without providing arguments or evidence, are intended to create a certain atmosphere in society, despite the fact that the institution she leads is proactively working on amendments to the electoral code.

Recently, MP Gaik Vartanian, a member of the National Alternative Movement Party, referred to the report of the OSCE/ODIHR international election observation mission, which mentions that six out of nine CEC members were appointed by PAS, including one directly appointed by the president. According to Vartanian, this has led to biased decisions in favor of the ruling party, both in the 2023 general local elections and the 2024 presidential election.

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