CC to pronounce on dismissal of Supreme Court of Justice judge

The Constitutional Court (CC) on June 13 will examine an application filed by two Liberal-Democratic MPs - Alexandru Cimbriciuc and Ion Butmalai - who questioned the constitutionality of the decision to dismiss Valeriu Arhip from the post of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice, IPN reports.

The lawmakers claim the given Parliament decision runs counter to the constitutional norms by the form and procedure by which it was taken. The draft decision was adopted by the votes of 48 MPs at a time when 50 votes were needed. According to the MPs, deviations from the constitutional regulations concerning the status of judge were committed during the voting.

After a report by the Security and Information Service revealed that the family of judge Valeriu Arhip hid certain property, the members of the Supreme Council of Magistrates decided that he cannot hold the post of Supreme Court of Justice judge. Shortly afterward, the judge tendered his resignation, but soon withdrew it, asking that the Council should review the consultative notice of the Security and Information Service. However, in the December 26, 2012 sitting, Parliament adopted a decision by which Valeriu Arhip was dismissed, at the suggestion of the Supreme Council of Magistrates.

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