Causeni subzone of FEZ Balti to be modernized

In 2018, the Causeni branch of the Free Economic Zone (FEZ) Balti will be renovated by building networks, communications and access ways and by laying out the territory, IPN reports.

For the purpose, the Cabinet decided to include the project “Opportunities for attractiveness of investments in the economy of the South Development Region” in the list of priority projects financed by the National Regional Development Fund for 2017 -2020.

The total cost of the project is of 18.6 million lei, 8.5 million lei of which is allocated by the Causeni District Council.

The Free Economic Subzone Causeni has the potential to expand on an area of 8.5 hectares. Starting with 2017, it has hosted an automotive cables company that employs over 200 people.

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