Catering services will be allowed even in schools with canteens

Student meals may be organized through a catering system not only in educational institutions without their own food facilities but also in schools with canteens whose capacity does not allow for all students to be served. The Ministry of Education and Research has put forward proposals in this regard, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry, extending the right to free meals to students in grades V-IX starting from September 1 this year will increase the number of beneficiaries by 160,000, bringing the total to 295,000 students.

The sanitary regulations for primary and secondary educational institutions currently regulate student meals in canteens, and in cases where the institution lacks a food facility, student meals are allowed through catering services. The Ministry of Education proposes that this regulation be amended so that schools with canteens, but with insufficient capacity for free student meals, may provide students with packed breakfasts.

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