Cart driver dies in hospital after struck by car

A cart driver was rushed to the hospital in a serious condition after he had been involved in a road accident in Drochia district on July 20, the Traffic Police's senior PR specialist Paulina Yakimovski has told Info-Prim Neo. The 72-year-old man could not calm down his horse, who got scared of an approaching car. The horse turned suddenly left, blocking the road. A car coming at high speed from behind did not manage to stop, striking violently the car. The cart driver was seriously injured and died in the Drochia district hospital shortly afterward. A similar case happened on the Bucovat – Nisporeni road. A ten-year-old cyclist was hit by a Mercedes minibus when he wanted to make a left turn. The child was admitted to the Nisporeni hospital with a cranial-cerebral trauma, a contusion and concussions. A man aged 20 from Cojusna, Straseni, was taken to the hospital with multiple traumas that he suffered when he crashed his motorcycle into a minibus. A car driven by a 55-year-old woman struck a cyclist aged 23 on Negruzzi Blvd. in Chisinau. The young man sustained contusions and excoriations. A man, 35, lost control of his motorcycle and crashed it into a tree on Stefan Neaga St in Chisinau. He was admitted into the reanimatology section of the Emergency Hospital. One person was killed and six injured in seven accidents that happened on the national roads yesterday and last night.

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