Carriers demand increasing fares by 10% now and another 10% in summer

The carriers asked raising the urban passenger transportation fares by 10% in the first half of the year and by another 10% in the second semester. The request will be discussed in a meeting of the National Commission for Collective Negotiations and Consultations on January 26. Eugen Datsko, executive director of the National Carriers Union, has told Info-Prim Neo that the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure is obliged to monitor all the costs and if the profitability is lower than 5%, the fares should be adjusted. “Unfortunately, the fares haven’t been adjusted since 2009, even if the fuel prices grew essentially,” said Eugen Datsko. He added that the carriers over the last nine months sustained financial losses of about 60 million lei. In January-September 2011, the average retail price of gasoline increased by 17.2% compared with last year, to 15.63 de lei a liter. The prices of diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas rose by 24.7% and, respectively, 15.4%. The average prices were 14.66 lei a liter and, respectively, 7.5 lei a liter, according to a report by the National Agency for Energy Regulation.

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