Cantemir levee failure might lead to 70 homes being flooded in nearby villages

The failure of the levee protecting Cantemir district might cause the flooding of some 70 homes in the villages of Ghioltosu and Stoianovca as well as of 2,000 hectares of farmland, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a press release from the Government. At the same time, homes in Gotesti village are not at risk of being flooded. Touring the villages deemed at risk, Prime Minister Vlad Filat said every protection measures were being taken in this “critical situation”. He stressed that the recent floods that hit Moldova this summer should be a lesson for all. State Minister Victor Bodiu said the measures included evacuation of content from the homes at risk and identification of shelters for the potentially displaced people. He said the levee failed unexpectedly, the structure being substantially reinforced in recent days. A commission is investigation the causes of the failure. The Premier added that the floodbank protecting the villages of Ghioltosu and Gotesti had been reinforced along a 7 km length. “Unfortunately, the frequency of high waters this year has been greater than in 2008, and some of the dikes didn't resist”, said Vlad Filat. People in the at-risk villages asked the Premier whether they would receive compensation for the flooded farms. They also complained that the floods had affected pasture fields, leaving them at risk of having to sell their cattle for meager prices. The Premier said the affected farmers would receive grain or money in compensation and instructed the local authorities to assist the farmers with marketing the cattle.

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