Campaign to clean up bed of the Bâc River to be held Oct. 2

A broad campaign to clean up the bed of the Bâc River will be conducted on October 2. The organizers will provide the participants with gloves, waste bags and transport for collecting the waste, Ion Burdiumov, the head of the General Public Amenities Division, stated in the weekly meeting of officials of services of the Chisinau City Hall, IPN reports.

Ion Burdiumov noted that the planting of trees on the territory of the city within the campaign to clean up the city is planned for the end of October. The autumn cleanup campaign on the territory of the municipality of Chisinau is held during September 20 and November 30.

On the first week of the autumn cleanup campaign (September 20-25), about 360 employees of the specialized municipal services and inhabitants of the city were daily engaged in works to gather waste in yards of apartment building, near waste platforms, on playgrounds, fitness grounds etc. These were assisted daily by 20 tractors and trucks that transported 149 trucks of waste.

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