The public association “Justitie si dreptate” (“Justice and fairness”) makes a public call to all the business associations, associations of national and foreign producers, large companies and SMEs to support the initiative to create a state entity that would protect the investments and businesses.
The association’s head Ion Dron told a news conference at IPN that any citizen, any businessman and any national or foreign investor must be able to use the assistance of a specialized institution when necessary, when the business is in danger of appropriated.
Ion Dron said the current legal framework does not protect the investors that, for example, signed a contract for 10 or 15 years with a mayor’s office. Thus, the contract may be terminated immediately after the new administration is invested.
According to the head of the public association, it’s not yet known how the cases of appropriation of shares of Moldovan banks were sold, while the state continues to be exposed to such risks. Thus, an institution is needed to protect the investments and businesses. It must be able to perform swift investigations so as to shed light on certain situations without the businesspeople losing time in courts of law.
The public association “Justitie si dreptate” addressed a letter to the Government of Moldova, explaining the necessity of founding a state business protection institution. Ion Dron considers that if the decision to create such an entity is taken, its personnel must be elected at an open contest or it should be headed by a representative of the parliamentary opposition and include representatives of the business community in its composition.