Burglary at bank branch in Mărculești

A bank branch situated in Mărculeşti town of Floreşti district was robbed last night. The police were alerted by the guard of an education institution, who found a wheelbarrow and a metal safe near the building. It was later determined that the safe was stolen from inside the bank branch, IPN reports.

The General Police Inspectorate said that individuals wearing balaclavas last night forced the bank’s door with a metal bar and went into. They stole a metal safe with about €2,500, US$2,000, 10,000 Russian rubles, £100, over 100 Romanian lei and 225,000 Moldova lei inside it.

The police are taking measures to identify the burglars and their whereabouts. The culprits face a maximum jail term of ten years over burglary.

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