Broadcasting regulator imposes penalties

The Broadcasting Coordination Council fined and warned publicly a number of broadcasters in its February 26 meeting. There were penalized the TV channels PRO TV Chisinau and N4 and the radio stations “Triumf FM”, “Radio National FM”, “Noroc”; “Dialog FM”, “HIT FM”, “Radio Stil” and “Fresh FM”, IPN reports.

The Council examined the application of Deputy Prosecutor General Iurie Garaba, who said that by broadcasting a subject about a minor who killed another one, PRO TV Chisinau deviated from the Constitution and the law on the protection of children from the negative impact of information. In the public debates, the members of the Council ascertained that the identity of the child wasn’t protected. The journalist used arbitrarily the term of accused, violating thus the presumption of innocence. For these deviations, the TV channel was warned publicly.

The Council repeatedly fined N4 3,600 lei for not complying with the previous decisions and didn’t provide explanations and the legal evidence of the right to broadcast audiovisual works.

The Council also examined the ICT Ministry’s application about the lack of radio signal in a number of villages and towns during over 45 days. The radio stations “Triumf FM”, “Radio National FM”, “Noroc”, “Dialog FM”, “HIT FM”, “Radio Stil” and “Fresh FM”, which hold those frequencies, didn’t inform about the interruption in activity for a period of over 45 days. They were thus warned publicly and given five days to start to use the frequencies.

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