Book about East-European football unveiled in Chisinau

The book “East-European Football from Communism to Globalization: The Case of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova”, by Octavian Ticu and Boris Bogus, was unveiled today in Chisinau, Info-Prim Neo reports. Already a sales success in Germany, the United States, Canada and Japan, the book aims, according to the authors, to destroy the myth that the Soviet era was a thriving period for sports. “The book is an attempt to analyze in comparative perspective the development of football in the context of democratic transformation and of global processes in Eastern Europe, with special reference to the case of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova. It will try to present a four-dimensional perspective on East-European football: from pre-communist to communist model of development and further to the post-communist realities of transition and to the global tendencies”, says the flap text of the book.

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