Block No. 4 of the Chisinau National Emergency Medicine Center, which has been under reconstruction for 20 years, will be put in commission in the third quarter of 2014. Earlier the deadline was April. New wards will be set up in the renovated block. There was built an annex that will house the anesthesia and intensive care section.
The Center’s director Gheorghe Ciobanu has told IPN that 31 million lei of the 63.5 million lei planned for reconstructing the block had been used in 2013. The block was connected to the heat, water and sewerage systems. The walls are now plastered, while the floors are being covered with terracotta tiles. Every hospital room will have own ventilation systems and sanitary facilities. The last-generation medical equipment will be purchased in November 2014, with financial support from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
Head of the building site Ghenadie Cotorobai said that when the reconstruction works started, 50% of the building was in a state of ruin and the engineers had to redesign many of its parts. Initially, the block had elevator up to the ninth floor, but now the elevator will go up to the roof, from where the patients brought by sanitary helicopters will be taken. Another elevator will be used to transport medical equipment. The block’s roof, where the sanitary helicopters will land, will be heated as in winter.
The works on Block No. 4 started in 1990 and were suspended in 1995. In 2006, they were resumed, but were stopped again in 2008, until December 2012.