Beaten man runs out of ambulance

A beaten 53-year-old man ran away when the ambulance doctors offered to take him to the hospital. Chisinau Ambulance Service managing doctor Evelina Rusu has told Info-Prim Neo that the ambulance was called to a police station located on Ginta Latina St in Ciocana district. The man suffered a concussion, a cranial-cerebral trauma, fractures of the nasal bones and facial injuries. The doctors gave him first aid and wanted to take him to the hospital, but the man ran away. This morning, a taxi crashed into a tree on Gheorghe Casu St. The 35-year-old driver was rushed to the Emergency Hospital with broken ribs and contusion of the sternum. Yesterday and last night, the Chisinau ambulance teams dealt with 660 emergencies, including 63 cases of acute viral infection, 63 cases of trauma, four strokes, and 18 deliveries.

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