BCC designates two candidates for Supervisory Board member

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) fielded two candidates for the vacant post of member of the Supervisory Board of the National Public Broadcaster “Teleradio Moldova”. The candidates are to be examined by Parliament, Info-Prim Neo reports. Three persons applied for the post, but the Council selected only two of them - Alexandru Grosu, who was the director of the public television channel in 2002-2004, and Doina Jeleu, who has professional experience in law, economy and management. BCC member Carmelia Albu said that “Teleradio Moldova” has always had a small budget and could not produce new and interesting programs, while the Supervisory Board is represented mainly by personalities from culture who do not have managerial abilities and experience in managing the journalistic resources. The post of Supervisory Board member fell vacant after Igor Munteanu was named Moldova’s Ambassador to the United States. The Board has nine members.

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