Average monthly salary for next year will be 16,100 lei

The average monthly salary in 2025 will be 16,100 lei, according to a draft decision presented for public consultations, IPN reports.

The author of the draft, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, said that the salary results from the revised calculations in the forecast of the main macroeconomic indicators for 2025-2027.

The approved amount can create opportunities for employees to fill positions, including by negotiating an appropriate remuneration level.

Through another bill, it is proposed to increase the national minimum salary for next year by 10%, up to 5,500 lei. The salary is calculated for a full work program of 169 hours on average per month, i.e. 32.54 lei per hour.

If the work program is shorter than 40 hours per week, the minimum hourly wage is calculated by dividing the monthly minimum salary to the average number of monthly hours, according to the approved legal work program.

The estimated costs related to the augmentation of the national minimum salary are calculated by employers, in particular taking into account the internal salary policy approved at the unit, starting from the 10% increase in the minimum pay for ordinary, unskilled work performed by employees, as well as the need to make the payments related to the given increase in accordance with the tax and compulsory insurance regime established at national level.

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