Applications for Romanian citizenship can be submitted by proxy

Due to the novel coronavirus situation, applications for Romanian citizenship may be submitted by proxy at the National Agency for Citizenship in Bucharest, provided that a set of conditions are cumulatively met. One such condition is that a state of emergency is in place in the applicant’s country of residence that suspends the activity of the Romanian diplomatic mission in the respective country.

The procedure involves submitting a request of application by proxy, which can be submitted physically at the Agency or by mail by the agent. Alternatively, the applicant can submit a notary-certified declaration stating the impossibility of lodging the application with the Romanian diplomatic or consular mission in the country of residence as well as the existence of a state of emergency in the respective country.

The Agency’s response to the request of application by proxy will be communicated to the agent at the address indicated in the request. If successful, the agent will be invited to the Agency on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 8:30 and 12:30. The applications for citizenship submitted by agents with unsatisfied preliminary requests or those failing to appear at appointment on time will be rejected.

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