Andrian Candu: PAS pursues political goals to people’s detriment

The leader of the Pro Moldova Party Andrian Candu believes the Party of Action and Solidarity insists on the idea of snap elections out of elementary political calculations. According to him, the eventual snap elections would double the PAS’s seats of MP, but this would be to the detriment of the interests of the Republic of Moldova, which is going through a large-scale health and economic crisis, IPN reports.

“I realize their political interest. The PAS won the presidential elections and is at the peak of popularity. Currently, they have 15 seats of MP, but after the eventual snap elections would have 40 seats - twice or even thrice more than at present. But we should pursue the political goals by not causing harm to the country and society,” Andrian Candu stated in the talk show “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The politician said voting in an anti-crisis government is a solution to the political deadlock experienced by Moldova. If the Prime Minister designate Natalia Gavrilița suggests a good government program and a professional Cabinet, Pro Moldova could vote for such an executive.

“Possibly, an anti-crisis Government, which could be the Gavrilița Government, would manage to generate economic stability even with the current Parliament that is criticized by everyone,” stated Andrian Candu.

According to him, the Government of Natalia Gavrilița could be voted also by the Socialist parliamentary group as the PSRM this way would gain time to get ready for the next parliamentary elections.

“The PSRM’s rating has declined and the party realizes very well that it now has 37 seats of MP, but could have a twice lower number of seats after the next elections. This way, they could later criticize the Gavrilița Government as the Government of Maia Sandu and would diminish the people’s confidence in President Sandu. Furthermore, they would obtain time for regaining the voters’ trust,” noted Andrian Candu.

On January 27, President Maia Sandu designated ex-minister of finance in the Sandu Government Natalia Gavrilița as Prime Minister. Under the law, after the candidate for premiership is designated, this has 15 days to constitute the governmental team and formulate the government program. Later, the candidate asks for the Parliament’s vote of confidence.

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