Religion is more often used as an electoral subject by the political forces. Everything possible is made to obtain a larger number of votes with the help of this issue, said suspended Minister of Education Leonid Bujor, who is a candidate for MP on the list of the Moldova Noastra Alliance (AMN), Info-Prim Neo reports.
In a news conference on Monday, Leonid Bujor said the Metropolitan Church of Chisinau and All Moldova must take attitude and not allow using religious symbols in the election campaign. “The Church should not be used for evil purposes, while the politicians should avoid using sensitive subjects in their messages, which can lead to the excessive politicization of society and its division according to political criteria,” Leonid Bujor said.
The AMN will request the Central Election Commission to examine the video of the Humanist Party. “This video includes all kind of slogans and religious symbols that cause disputes. We will demand that it be withdrawn as it can contribute to the division of society according to political criteria,” Leonid Bujor said.
The AMN candidate urged the political parties not to use the issue of teaching religion in schools in the election campaign. He said this subject is already taught in schools. About 60,000 applications for studying religion in schools have been submitted so far. There were produced teaching aids to the value of 1 million lei, by 25 copies of the “Orthodox Christian Spelling Book”, “Orthodox Christian Education”, and the professional guide “Let’s Perceive Faith”.