American assistance for Moldova will be increased

The Government decided to start negotiations on the approval of amendments to three Moldova – U.S. agreements, IPN reports.

The changes proposed to the economic growth agreement signed on July 6, 2010 envision the allocation of an additional US$5 million for implementing projects aimed at creating a favorable business environment and increasing productivity in the private sector, including for supporting small enterprises. After this money is allotted, the assistance provided within the given agreement will amount to US$32.7 million.

The other amendments provide for the augmentation by US$2.4 million of the amount allocated for implementing the support to the local authorities project that was signed on September 17, 2010. The additional resources are intended to strengthen the decentralization process and the relations between the local public authorities and the people by promoting projects to develop the Moldovan settlements.

Under the last amendments, to the agreement on the program for strengthening the law enforcement bodies signed on July 22, 2011, US$2.5 million will be allocated for increasing efficiency and transparency in the judicial system of Moldova.

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