Ambulance team assaulted. Emergency Medical Assistance Center condemns act of violence

A 35-year-old patient assaulted a team of the Botanica Emergency Medical Assitance Substation during the intervention. During the examination attempt, the woman kicked the nurse and pushed the nurse, jumping into the fight. The National Prehospital Emergency Medical Assistance Center said, in reaction, that such behaviors endanger not only the health and safety of medical teams, but also the quality of services offered to the community. “We condemn any act of violence”, the institution said, quoted by IPN.

The incident occurred on January 8. The Center noted that "the call was received at 04:17 p.m., for the provision of emergency medical assistance to a 35-year-old woman who suffered "head trauma"".

"The team of Botanica Substation intervened at home, where it was met and led to the apartment by the woman's friend, who called an ambulance, saying that the woman, being intoxicated, fell and hit her head. The patient was sleeping on the bed and was woken up by her friend. Unjustifiably, she became aggressive," said the Center.

The ambulance team immediately asked for the assistance of the police, which arrived shortly and are to establish the circumstances of the incident, the institution added.

The National Prehospital Emergency Medical Assistance Center urges the citizens "to behave better and be friendly towards those who put their lives at enormous risk and intervene promptly in every medical emergency."

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