Ambassadors to Ireland and Kazakhstan replaced

Larisa Miculeț was dismissed from the position of Moldova’s Ambassador to Ireland, and Lilian Darii from the post of Ambassador to Kazakhstan, which were held simultaneously with other posts of ambassador. Decisions to this effect were approved by the Cabinet on Thursday, IPN reports.

Instead, Jana Costachi was appointed as Ambassador to Ireland, and Stefan Gorda as Ambassador to Kazakhstan.

The Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Anatolie Vangheli was also named Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain, with residence in Abu Dhabi. 

The Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to Italy Oleg Nica, Permanent Representative to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, was also appointed Ambassador to Malta, San Marino and the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, with residence in Rome.

Under the Law on the Diplomatic Service, proposals regarding the appointment of ambassadors are submitted to the Cabinet by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in consultation with the Parliament’s Foreign Policy and European Integration Committee. Subsequently, the ambassadors are confirmed to the posts by the President of the Republic of Moldova.

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