Almost ¾ of population do not enjoy decent living conditions, poll
Three of four Moldovans are not provided with decent living conditions, while each fourth Moldovan has debts, according to the Public Opinion Barometer released on May 15, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Thus, 28% of those polled said their incomes do not cover at least the basic necessities, while 46% manage to cover only the bare essentials. Only 1% of the respondents said they lack nothing.
Almost 70% of those surveyed consider things in Moldova go in the wrong direction, but this figure decreased by 15% compared with the similar poll conducted last November.
60% of the population is not satisfied with the economic situation in the country. Almost half of the respondents consider that it remained the same as one year ago, while about 40% think it will be the same next year too.
Approximately 90% of those questioned said they are dissatisfied with the measures taken by the authorities in such areas as workplaces, living conditions, and salaries. 67% of the responds are concerned about the rising prices, 57% about poverty, by 47% about unemployment and children’s future, while 2% about possible natural disasters or the establishment of dictatorship.
About 25% of those polled said they have debts. Almost half of these debts are for public utilities and food products. Only 18% said their families have savings. 6% of the respondents said they intend to take a loan during the next six months, especially for the repair of dwellings.
As to the intention to change the name of the History course in schools, 64% of those surveyed said they would like this course to be named History of Moldova, 15% - History of Romanians, while 14% - Integrated History.
Commissioned by the Public Policy Institute, the Public Opinion Barometer was carried out between April 10 and May 10. It covered a sample of 1,055 persons. The margin of sampling error is 3%.