Alexandru Cimbriciuc leaves PLDM

Former MP Alexandru Cimbriciuc announced his decision to quit as deputy chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) and leave the party, IPN reports.

"The people who mandated me at the time of the merger of the National Unity Party (PUN) with the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM) do not support the policy ppursued by the PLDM. Therefore, I decided to make a decision in their interest, which I meditated on for a long time, as to what can happen next in politics of the Republic of Moldova. Only the Union!", Cimbriciuc posted on Facebook.

Alexandru Cimbriciuc sat as an MP on behalf of the PLDM between 2009 and 2014, but in 2016 he left the party. Later, he joined the National Unity Party. At the time of the merger with the PLDM in 2023, the PUN was led by Cimbriciuc, who became deputy chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party.

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