Ala Nemerenco’ reaction to Socialists’ demand to resign

The adviser to the President on health Ala Nemerenco said that she will not discuss the legality of her diplomas with MPs who delight in playing the role of ambulatory circus performers. The reaction comes after MPs of the Party of Socialists demanded that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection should annul the order by which Ala Nemerenco was issued with a master’s diploma. They also demanded that Ala Nemerenco should immediately tender her resignation from the post of adviser to the President, IPN reports.

“I will not react to their sick convulsions as my interest is to bring the necessary vaccines in a sufficient quantity and medical equipment, to help the doctors, the people. I will continue to do this no matter how hard they try to denigrate me,” Ala Nemerenco posted on Facebook. She noted that in November 2007, when the challenged diplomas were issued, four of the seven teachers of the School of Public Health Management already held the title of doctor of medical sciences, while one teacher had a master’s from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. “In the summer of 2007, I completed my four-year doctoral studies and then, in 2008, I defended my dissertation of doctor of medical sciences. As to the rest, let the prosecutors catch the fugitive billionaires who are friends of yours, while the assessment should be carried out by specialists, not by those to whom you gave the command “attack”.”

The adviser added that in medicine, the studies are slightly different from those at other specialties and there is no master’s degree there, except for management and public health, which is additional, not mandatory training. “If I had been like them, I assure you I would have boasted.”

In a news conference on February 2, Socialist MPs said that if the Ministry ignores their demands, they will make approaches to the Prosecutor General’s Office. Alla Darovannaya noted she received information saying that Ala Nemerenco and another six Moldovans received a master’s diploma from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy without taking admission exams, without taking part in lectures and without defending a master’s thesis, based on an order issued by the Ministry of Health. Earlier, the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemiţanu” confirmed the issuing of the master’s diploma in public health management to Ala Nemerenco on November 30, 2007, based on the Ministry of Health’s order of November 30, 2007 and the order of the University’s rector of November 30, 2007.

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