Ala Nemerenco: Mandatory testing can be introduced for unvaccinated employees of PSA

The employees of the Public Serves Agency (PSA) could also be obliged to present a negative COVID-19 test result once in 14 days after this obligation was introduced for unvaccinated education system employees. Minister of Health Ala Nemerenco said that when the vaccination rate is low, the mandatory testing for PSA employees can lead to a reduction in the number of cases of COVID-19. At the same time, the minister described as “equitable” the authorities’ decision to exclude the allowance of 16,000 lei for unvaccinated health workers who contracted SARS-COV-2, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Health noted that even if the number of daily cases of COVID-19 is high, a nationwide lockdown cannot be imposed. It is considered the possibility for particular unvaccinated employees to present negative test results at the workplace.

“At the moment, the situation is not so critical for imposing a lockdown. But the National Extraordinary Public Health Commission can formulate recommendations for the localities were elections will be held. It is examined the possibility of creating safe environments in particular institutions where contact with clients if often and where the health of those who work there and of customers is in danger, like at the Public Services Agency, where there is a large flow of persons. We are considering the introduction of mandatory testing, not of mandatory vaccination,” Ala Nemerenco stated in the program “Emphasis on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The minister said there are employees of the health system who refuse to get a vaccine and the state will no longer be obliged to pay allowances of 16,000 lei to them if they get infected. Official statistics show that over 89% of the health workers completed the vaccination series and this led to an 85% reduction in morbidity among them.

“This is equity in relation to the unvaccinated teachers whom we requested to have tests. In this case, it goes to medical personnel, not to doctors as the doctors have been mostly vaccinated,” stated Ala Nemerenco.

According to official statistics of the Ministry of Health, the rate of vaccination with a completed series in Moldova is of 23.6%. A number of 1,715 new COVID-19 cases were confirmed yesterday in Moldova. 

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