Agriculture minister: Production of 'social bread' remained at the same level
Agriculture minister: Production of 'social bread' remained at the same level
Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Valeriu Cosarciuc denies the rumors that bread-maker SA Franzeluta has decreased production of cheap bread that is called 'social bread', Info-Prim Neo reports.
According to the minister, Franzeluta daily makes by 20 tonnes of bread for people on low incomes, including Codru that costs 1.37 lei, “Chisinau” - 1.37 lei and “Painea alba” - 1.19 lei.
“There is no reason for Franzeluta to reduce production levels as it has enough flour to make social bread and other bakery products,” Valeriu Cosarciuc said.
The bakery's flour reserve is sufficient for 35 days. The company continues to purchase wheat from the population with a gluten content of minimum 23%, for 1.75 lei a kilogram. The Chisinau-based cereal company Combinatul de Produse Cerealiere makes flour from it.
The state owns 56% of the shares of SA Franzeluta. The bakery's Board includes representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Finance and two persons who represent other shareholders.