Afro-Moldovan wishes to become President to unite Moldova with Romania

John Onoje, a Moldovan citizen born in Africa, is trying to find support to become President of Moldova in order to unify our country with Romania. On Saturday, Onoje came to the statue of Stephen the Great in Chisinau's center to announce that he needed 15 MPs to endorse his candidacy. “I turned to parliamentarians for help, but those from the Eurointegration Alliance said they already signed for Marian Lupu and they couldn't withdraw them. I still hope the Communists will endorse me”, said the black Moldovan. John Onoje declared he had one single goal if he were to become president. “We already have a president, and he is residing in Bucharest. I am for unification and if I become president, I promise I'll do it within 6 months”. John Onoje, 52, came to Moldova 12 years ago after fleeing the troubled West African country of Sierra Leone. After living in Moldova with a refugee status for more than 10 years, he was eventually granted Moldovan citizenship. He has already successfully passed a medical commission for presidential candidates and the only thing he now needs to enter the competition is 15 MP's votes.

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