AEI leaders meet at 1pm to sign annex to constitution agreement

The leaders of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) will come together for a meeting one hour before the presidential elections to sign the annex to the alliance formation agreement, whereby they will commit themselves not to form coalitions with the Communist Party, Info-Prim Neo reports. The annex proposed by the PLDM contains four points. The first is the public commitment of the member parties of the AEI to guarantee the continuity of the democratic governance and not to allow re-forming the alliance with the participation of the opposition during the next three years. The second point provides for ensuring the continuity of the current administration and full political support on the part of all the components of the alliance for the functioning of the Government. Under the third point, the signatories will not allow public attacks on the Government. The last point envisions the depoliticization of the law enforcement bodies. The head of the PDM Marian Lupu said this annex proposed by the PLDM is unilateral. “It is only a starting point as the things indicated there are unilateral in character,” he stated. “The AEI does not criticize publicly the Government’s acts and the bills submitted by the executive. I don’t understand how we work.” The head of the Liberal parliamentary group Ion Hadirca said an annex defines certain commitments that are like guarantees. He stated that the PL will put forward certain provisions. Parliament will start the procedure for electing the head of state at 2pm.

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