About 5,000 police to be mobilized in the next two days

About 5,000 police officers will be mobilized to ensure public order and safe roads and streets on Independence Day, August 27, but also on Saturday, when about 90 towns and villages celebrate their patron saint’s day, IPN reports.

Alexei Grosu, deputy head of the National Inspectorate of Public Security, told a press conference that during August 26-28 about 180 events are planned across the country. Almost half of them are dedicated to Independence Day, and on this occasion, high-ranking foreign officials, official delegations and other guests are expected to attend.

In connection with the military parade dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence, vehicle traffic will be restricted on several streets, in particular Ștefan cel Mare Boulevard. Public transport will be detoured.

The authorities advise the general public to watch the Independent Day festivities online, or at least avoid the crowds if they decide to attend the events physically.

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