About 400 books distributed to patients of Mother and Child Institute

Approximately 400 fairy tale, poem and story books were distributed to children hospitalized at the Mother and Child Institute on April 6 as part of the campaign “Share a book, share health!” that is conducted before World Health Day and the Easter holidays, IPN reports.

Silvia Ciubrei, head of the Communication and Public Relations Department of the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, said this is the third event of the kind. Through the agency of this campaign, they wanted to bring joy and smiles to children and to also make them eager to know and to discover more new things.

The campaign was carried out between February 26 and April 4. In the period, members of the university community and persons from outside donated books for children. There were also raised 550 lei that went to purchase books.

Most of the books were given to hospitalized children. The rest of the books were donated to libraries set up in the play areas of the Mother and Child Institute. Medical students staged a reading hour where they read the story “Good Thoughts” from the book “Albinuts’ Stories” that was written by Elena Chesov, a doctoral student of “Nicolae Testemitanu” University, who donated 40 copies of this recently issued book.

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