About 1.6m lei for supporting local broadcasters

The Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) on July 14 decided to allot about 1.6 million lei to help local broadcasters produce programs of public interest. The money was allocated from the broadcasting support fund with the aim of developing the broadcasting sector and stimulating the national audiovisual production, IPN reports.

The contest involved 14 local broadcasters that presented 17 radio and TV projects. Initially, applications were submitted by 17 broadcasters with 23 projects, but three of these didn’t meet all the conditions. In the public debates, the BCC members expressed their disappointment with the quality of the projects, lack of imagination and creative ideas that would educate the TV viewers and radio listeners.

BCC head Dinu Ciocan said they laid emphasis on such projects as programs in the languages of national minorities such as Gagauz and Bulgarian, sports programs, programs intended for persons with disabilities, and projects to disseminate the national values, customs and culture and the European values and to promote a healthy lifestyle

Among the winners of the contest are “Flor-TV”, “Impuls TV”, “Sor-TV”, and “Moldova Sport”. The broadcasters that will benefit from financing for producing the selected programs must implement their projects within sixth months.

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