A former employee of the Balti City Hall was detained after asking for a bribe of 50,000 lei.

A former employee of the Balti City Hall was detained in a case of influence peddling. The man is suspected of having demanded a bribe of 50,000 lei from a person in exchange for influencing the decision of the local public authorities to obtain approval for the documentation regarding the allocation of land for a building, IPN reports.

The National Anti-Corruption Center specifies that, according to the complaint, the suspect accepted 50,000 lei, while also requesting that photos of the documents related to the building, as well as a copy of the identity card, be sent via the "WhatsApp" voice application.

Today, CNA officers, together with prosecutors from the Balti Municipal Prosecutor's Office, conducted searches in the suspect's car and residence. The suspect was later detained for 72 hours.

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