89 people awarded the rank of general during Moldova's years of independence

Over the years of Moldova's independence, 89 people were given the rank of general. Radu Burduja, a former Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense and security expert, claims that the number of generals in the Republic of Moldova has been greatly exaggerated in the public space, and that some became generals with political "help". The statements were made in the podcast "Essentially..." on Free Europe, IPN reports.

The cited source writes that previously, the number of generals in various structures was higher, but with the demilitarization of some institutions, the posts occupied by generals were also reduced. In the case of the police, generals became superintendents. According to an answer given by the presidential institution in Chisinau to Europe Libere, in the more than 33 years since Moldova's declaration of independence, eight heads of state, including two interim ones, have signed decrees granting 89 generalships.

The first decree awarding the rank of general in Moldova was signed on February 5, 1992, by President Mircea Snegur, and concerned Ion Costas, now 80. The most recent decrees approving the ranks of general date back to December 9, 2024 and target Vitalie Micov and Sergiu Voinu - the commander of the Moldovan army and his deputy, respectively. The decrees were signed by current President Maia Sandu at the end of her first term. The only woman general was the late Feodosia Furculita, who served as director of the customs service under the communist government.

Amid controversy over the names of some Moldovan generals [including in criminal cases], Radu Burduja admits that the situation is also due to "political connections [and contexts]".

The executive director of the Euro-Atlantic Institute for Strengthening Resilience (IEACR) in Chisinau, Radu Burduja says that attempts were made, for example in 2015, to improve the legal framework to remove political influence from senior officers. But these failed on parliamentary lines. The legislation is currently being prepared to amend the law in this regard.

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