Eight Customs Service employees are targeted in a passive corruption case. According to the National Anti-Corruption Center, they are suspected of having demanded and received money from transporters when crossing the state border, IPN reports.
The executive and managerial employees of the Central Customs Office and the Leuseni Customs Post allegedly demanded and received, personally or through intermediaries, money that was not theirs, invoking various violations or inconsistencies in the transport documents or other documents presented at the state border crossing, claiming that they were not entitled to them.
The searches resulted in the seizure of cell phones, customs documents and financial means, the provenance of which is yet to be established. The actions take place under the procedural direction of the prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office of mun. Balti.
The Customs Service has taken the case to court. "The Customs Service provides full support to the competent bodies in conducting investigations into allegations of corruption. We reaffirm our firm commitment to the principle of zero tolerance towards corruption", the Customs Service's reaction reads.