5th forum of the Central European Initiative: Poland confirms its support for Moldova's joining the EU
Regional aspects and issues important for the member states of the Central European Initiative (CEI) are being discussed on June 2 and 3 in the Polish town of Wroclaw. The CEI's fifth forum has as a topic the regional cooperation in a changing Europe.
The ad-interim director of the NATO Information and Documentation Center from Chisinau, Radu Gorincioi, who participates in the event, has told Info-Prim Neo the agenda of the reunion includes discussions on the verge of the Eastern dimension of the EU's external policy and of the EU's policy towards South-Eastern Europe. The also tackle the role of Central Europe within the EU, issues of energy safety of the members states, the media's role in electoral campaigns etc.
According to him, ambassador Witlod Sobkow, an official of the Polish Foreign Ministry has pointed out the role and the potential of the CEI through the fact that 9 member states of the CEI are not EU members. In this regard, Poland has confirmed its support for Ukraine and Moldova joining the EU as soon as this states meet the Copenhagen conditions.
Moldova is now holding the CEI's presidency and this year will organize the Economic Forum of the CEI.
The CEI is the first regional organization founded in 1989 following an initiative of Italy, Austria, Hungary and former Yugoslavia. Now 18 states from Central and South Eastern Europe are members of the organization, Moldova including.