300-meter long tricolor to be stretched in central Chisinau

A tricolor that is 300 meters long will be carried by participants in a march that will be mounted by the Civic Movement “Moldova’s Youth” in Chisinau on September 14. The march will start in the square “Dimitrie Cantemir” of the Teacher Training University “Ion Creanga” and will end in Europe Square of the central park “Stefan cel Mare”.

In a news conference at IPN, the head of the Civic Movement “Moldova’s Youth” Dinu Plangau said the march ends the campaign “Tricolor of national unity”, carried out between August 26 and September 14, within which there were shared out 1 million tricolor ribbons. The goal of the campaign was to mark the Independence Day on August 27 and the Romanian Language Day on August 31 as benchmark days in the national history.

“We will stage the tricolor’s march because we live in a divided society and it is the duty of each of us to promote the national values. We set the goal of joining forces and carrying this flag, which is a national symbol, along Stefan cel Mare Blvd,” said Dinu Plangau.

“We form part of the same state and are protected by the same Constitution, which says that the tricolor is a national symbol that must be respected and honored by every citizen of Moldova, regardless of ethnicity,” said Lara Stegarescu, a member of the movement.

The young woman called on those who love their motherland, the nation and the tricolor to take part in the march. “We invite all the persons and organizations that believe in the significance of the tricolor and want to show their love for the country, the Romanian language and history. Only together are we an unbeatable force. Together we are united and can change things around,” stated Lara Stegarescu.

The tricolor’s march is set to start at 2pm.

  • dinu plangau despre marsul tricolorului.mp3
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