2017 draft health insurance funds law passed in first reading

With total revenues of 6.1 billion lei, spending of 6.2 billion lei and a deficit of 92 million lei, the 2017 draft mandatory health insurance funds law was adopted by a majority of votes of MP in the first reading. Minister of Health Ruxanda Glavan said that compared with 2016, the revenues are projected to be by 5.2% higher, while the spending by 6.8% higher, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the mandatory health insurance premiums calculated in percentage form are set at 9%, as in 2015. The mandatory health insurance policy in fixed amount will be 4,056 lei per person, as in 2015, by keeping the reductions planned for 2016.

A sum of 62 million lei was earmarked for programs to fight diabetes, while 4.6 million lei for modernizing the health sector. 97% of the basic health insurance fund will be used for primary medical assistance, compensated drugs, home care services, etc.

Ruxanda Glavan explained that 522 million lei was allocated for covering the cost of compensated drugs, an increase of 4% on a year before. The primary medical services will get 1.8 billion lei, by 4.1% more. A sum of 9 million lei will go on home care services, up 4.4%. The hospital care services will cost 3 billion lei, an increase of 3.9%.

A sum of 6.7 million lei was budgeted for treating rare diseases. The allocations for the public health institution development fund were set at 25 million lei.

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