201 generators can keep hospitals running in an emergency

Hospitals in the Republic of Moldova are prepared to cope with possible disruptions to the electricity system by having 201 functioning electric generators at their disposal, the health minister has announced.

According to Alea Nemerenco, the generators are capable of ensuring the continuity of hospitals' activity, with priority for vital wards, such as emergency reception units, surgical blocks and intensive care wards.

"Large and strategic medical institutions are equipped with 4-7 electricity generators. These will operate in exceptional situations and will be prioritized for use in fuel-intensive departments such as emergency departments and intensive care wards", the minister said.

The provision of electric generators was made possible thanks to the support provided by the governments of Moldova's friendly countries, including Poland and France, through the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism, as well as donations from international organizations such as USAID, UNHCR and UNICEF, IPN reports.

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