200,000 people received medication via "ePrescription" in February

Nearly 200,000 people received reimbursed medicines and medical devices prescribed in February through the automated "ePrescription" system. The National Health Insurance Company (CNAM) transferred over 106 million lei to pharmacies, IPN reports.

According to CNAM, the largest share of funds was allocated for the treatment of circulatory system diseases - over 46 million lei, benefiting 118,000 patients.

The average cost of reimbursed medication per beneficiary was 514 lei. The most expensive treatment was for skin diseases, averaging 1,131 lei per patient.

Additionally, 22,000 patients received medical devices worth over 6 million lei.

Electronic prescriptions can be issued by any doctor, including emergency physicians and those providing community and home care services.

Citizens can collect reimbursed medicines or medical devices from pharmacies by simply presenting their identity card.

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