Silvia Burduja, a young woman who remained without a hand at the place of work, needs money to get to Germany, where she is to be operated. The money for the operation was collected by employees of “Franzeluta” bakery, where the woman worked. She now needs money for the trip and accommodation.
Those who can support her finically are asked to transfer money to one of the bank accounts:
BC Victoriabank
223360311981 (MDL)
223360311981 (USD)
223360311981 (EUR)
According to a communiqué from the Trade Union Committee, Silvia Burduja will receive 5,000 lei from the Committee. Earlier, she was offered 2,000 lei.
The 18-year-old woman suffered an accident at “Franzeluta” last September. As a result of it, the she had her right hand amputated.