Young woman who died from flu after giving birth received confirmation of disease in only four days

The 34-year-old woman who died at the National Clinical Hospital three days after giving birth received confirmation that she suffered from A(H1N1) in only four days of hospitalization and was then administered a double dose of Tamiflu, Sănătate Info reported on its website, being quoted by IPN.

According to the source, the woman was hospitalized in a different way than the officials in charge related initially. The woman was admitted to the Mother and Child Institute on January 11 with tracheobronchitis and seasonal flu. On January 15, her state of health worsened and she was subject to caesarian section so as to save the child. She received a double dose of Tamiflu only four days after she was hospitalized, when she suffered from respiratory insufficiency. A sample to detect the flu virus was taken from her the same day.

A person close to the woman related that on January 10 she went to the Polyclinic of the Mother and Child Institute, where she was consulted by the internist. On January 11, she felt worse and called an ambulance. She was admitted to the Mother and Child Institute where she was examined by a phthisiopneumologist of the National Center of Medical Diagnosis. This agreed with the diagnosis made by the ambulance doctors. During the next three days, she was treated with Augmentin, but wasn’t taken a sample for detecting the flu virus.

The sample was taken on January 15 and the presence of the A(H1N1) flu virus was confirmed on January 16. The same day, before being taken to the intensive care section, she was given a double dose of Tamiflu. The drug is administered to adults and children, including newborns, with flu symptoms. On January 17 she was transferred to the National Clinical Institute and on January 19 died.

Representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection stated for Sănătate Info that no special commission was constituted to examine this case, but this was analyzed in the meeting of the Commission for Emergencies.

The woman’s child continues to stay at the Mother and Child Institute and has a brother aged four at home.

Six persons died from A(H1N1) flu in Moldova during the 2018-2019 flu season.

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