Young persons who were maltreated and humiliated during the April 7, 2009 protests will feel again the fear and hatred experienced two years ago. The young people created a movement called “April 7”. A theatrical evening about the situations through which they went will be the first event staged by this movement, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Vasile Costiuc, leader of the movement “Democratia Acasa” (“Democracy at Home”), told a news conference that the movement “April 7” does not yet have a legal status. The application for registration was submitted last week.
One of the movement's leaders Sergiu Duminica, who took part in the April 7, 2009 protests, said the young people want to sound the alarm. “The way the cases concerning those events are examined show how well the legal systems works in Moldova. We will put on scenes about situations that have not been covered by the mass media,” he stated.
One of the young women who took part in the April 2009 protests, Nina Caraman said they will present the Corridor of Death and scenes where girls are being raped.
Another young man, Marcel Caisan said they will later create a website dedicated to the April 2009 protests, where there will be published information about those events. The visitors will be able to state their opinions there.
The performance will involve a number of musical groups, including the folkloric band “Stefan Voda” and the group “Plaiesii”, singers Nicu Tarna and Gicu Cimbir. The event will take place at the Cultural Center “Ginta Latina” on April 8, starting at 4pm. Entrance is free of charge.