Young people make public call to senior administration

The public association “Honor, Dignity and Homeland” (ODIP) on December 8 made a public call to the administration of the Republic of Moldova. Young people representing the association expressed their dissatisfaction with the sociopolitical and economic situation in the country and put forward a series of demands, which they presented in a news conference at IPN.

The call is addressed to the Presidential Office, the Government, Parliament and all the political parties. The young people seek the continuation of the country’s European course, reformation of justice and the rule of law institutions and amendment of Article 13 of the Constriction, concerning the official language, as well as consultation of the young people in the decision-making process. They also ask to continue the education reform and to stop corruption in education institutions.

“All the meetings with representatives of civil society are held behind closed doors, with insufficient coverage, while the representatives are chosen selectively. We want our opinion to count and want to have a say at negotiations,” said the associations’ deputy head Corina Bezer.

ODIP chairman Vlad Biletski expressed his concern about the delay in the process of interconnecting the energy systems of Romania and Moldova. “We, the young generation, know very well that even if the costs of building the gas pipeline were to be covered 50 to 50, we, those who claim to be more interested in its construction and who have been blackmailed by Russia through energy resources, are three months late in presenting the exploitation plan. I do not understand why they postpone the implementation of the second stage of the project, to build the Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline, for having a viable alternative that would ensure Moldova’s energy and economic independence,” he stated.

The public call will also be submitted to Moldova’s European partners.

  • corina bezer despre parerea tinerilor.mp3
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  • vlad biletchi despre interconectarea energeticã.mp3
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