Young people invited to participate in online contest dedicated to World AIDS Day
Young people in Moldova can take part in an online competition organised by the nongovernmental organisation Childhood for All (Copilarie pentru Toti), with the support of the Joint United Nations Programme HIV/AIDS in Moldova (UNAIDS). The competition is held on the occasion of the World AIDS Day on December 1.
In order to participate in the competition, the interested persons should visit and answer 10 multiple choice questions by checking one of the 5 proposed variants. The questions are testing basic knowledge about HIV and AIDS like ways of transmission, the HIV impact in statistical data, and the history of the global response to the HIV epidemic.
The participants who give a maximum number of correct answers will receive prizes of 15 to 40 US dollars. Should a large number of participants provide the same number of correct answers, UNAIDS will reserve the right to give the prizes to those who have submitted the answers first.
The contest is open to all the citizens of Moldova 30 years of age or younger, except the employees or people otherwise affiliated to the UN and governmental, international or nongovernmental organisations employed in the national response to HIV, as well as their primary relatives.
The contest will be open until November 30, 2007.