Young men steal €20,000, buy car

Three men aged 17, 19 and, respectively, 20 were arrested on suspicion that they stole €20,000 (over 375,000 lei) from a family from Inesti village of Telenesti district, IPN reports.

According to the General Police Inspectorate, the police were alerted four days ago. A man aged 66 informed that somebody entered the house by matching the keys and stole €20,000 from a metallic safe.

The three suspects, who are from the villages Inesti, Mihalasa and Telenesti, were arrested on January 9. After the arrest, the police seized a pneumatic pistol and a vehicle that was recently bought with the stolen money. The rest of the money – over €9,000 – was found inside the car.

A criminal case over theft committed in group was started against the three. They face 7 to 12 years in jail.

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