Young men steal 18 firs growing in schoolyard

Before the holidays, two young men decided to steal fir trees growing in the yard of a Chisinau school. According to the General Police Commissariat, the g men intended to sell the firs on the market, Info-Prim Neo reports. The men are aged 17 and 25. In the evening of December 7, they entered the territory of a school situated in Botanica district and uprooted 18 decorative fir trees to the value of over 2 000 lei. The young men were stopped by an employee of the Patrol and Sentinel Regiment “Scut”, who saw them carrying something and behaving suspiciously. Asked where they took the trees from, the men could not provide explanations. The two men are liable to a fine of 6,000 to 20,000 lei, up to 240 hours of community service or up to four years’ imprisonment.

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