From May 22 to 25, in 105 pre-university institutions from the Capital for the first time will be held the “Young Elector’s Day”.
According to Renata Lapti, the vice-chairman of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), the action will be organized for students from the X-XII grades and has as purpose to increase the participation rate of youngsters in elections.
At the actions will take part MPs and municipal councilors. Some of the factions have already submitted lists and agenda of their representatives at the event.
Lapti mentioned that the action will last 45 minutes and does not have a political character. The deputies and the councilors will be given the opportunity to speak to the students on topics such as democracy and the role of elections; the right to elect and to be elected; role of young people in democracy etc.
CEC plans for September to organize a similar action in universities. These will be organized also in pre-university institutions of the republic on the eve of the International Elector’s Day, which is celebrated on the first Thursday of February.