Work of civil society in pictures

Five of the over 100 photographs displayed within an exhibition themed “Civil Society Organizations: inspiration by action”, which is housed by Contact Center, will be awarded on December 9, a representative of the organizers Leonid Voloh, who works for the International Society for Human Rights, stated for Info-Prim Neo. Larisa Ciobanu, the head of the public association “Filocalia” that helps elderly persons, children from socially underprivileged families and children whose parents are abroad, said he participates in the contest with two photos. One of them represents girls who learn to weave, while the other one a group of persons who are drawing. Visitor Victoria Balatel, a teacher of painting at the Chisinau social center “Saint Dumitru”, said she liked the exhibits very much. According to her, it will be very hard for the jury to choose the winners. The exhibition will continue until December 20. It was mounted by the International Society for Human Rights – Moldovan Section. The over 100 pictures were selected from about 400 photos sent by Moldovan NGOs, including from the Transnistrian region and Gagauzia. The winners will receive digital photo cameras and will be able to find new backers.

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