Women interested in economics invited to NBM project "FinanciarELE"

The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) launched a project for women who want to develop their financial and leadership skills. Within the project called "FinanciarELE – the female leadership community", the participants will have training workshops and development opportunities in the financial sector, IPN reports.

Women aspiring to a career in the financial sector will benefit from professional guidance and orientation. The training and mentoring workshops will be held by experts in banking and finance.

"Leadership has no gender - it has vision, courage and education. We offer assistance, especially to young women, in developing financial skills and choosing an economic career," said the initiator of the project, NBM governor Anca Dragu.

The project is intended for high school and university female students who choose a career in the financial sector, employed women who aim to improve their financial skills, women entrepreneurs and those in professional transition.

The NBM’s initiative is aimed at supporting and developing women's financial and leadership skills. The project supports gender equality in the financial sector and encourages the active participation of women in the economy.

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